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Android by 2012, a study on present and future

Android versus iOS

This free paper attempts to study the present conditions of Android OS and unveils the predicted future market possibilities for Android, based on results from several research firms, using current market statistics and popularity among developers and end-users.
All the flimflams and excitement about the costlier iphones and Blackberrys are vanishing, after the arrival of the most anticipated, open source mobile operating system, the Google Android, which is fated to turn the industry upside down. Despite the growth and popularity for iPhones and Blackberrys, it is predicted that, Android will make a history in sales and on acquiring the market share, slicing down the markets of both Symbians and iPhones. This paper will elaborately examine the predictions about the future of Android phones, considering the present facts and reasons.


  • The Android Tale
  • Why Google Android
  • Android: breaking the ‘Walled Gardens’
  • What’s so different in Android
  • Advantages of Dalvik Virtual machines
  • Android: a promising haven for app developers and OEMs?
  • 8 market predictions
  • 9 final comments
  • About Dot Com infoway
  • Sources
  • Interesting Android links

Link:  Android by 2012. A study on present and future of Google’s Android (Pdf, 10 p.)

Cynthia Hyatt & staff

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