Inizia domani la ventinovesima Banned Books Week, la settimana internazionale dei libri censurati. Nata nel 1982 su iniziativa dell’American Library Association, la Banned Books Week ha raccolto negli anni più di 11 mila segnalazioni di libri censurati o boicottati. Non solo libri “maledetti”, ma anche grandi opere sconvenienti per la morale (Lolita di Nabokov) per l’ideologia del periodo (Il mondo Nuovo di Aldous Huxley).
Alla Banned Books Week si può partecipare da tutto il mondo, con video (!):
Videos (no more than two minutes long) can be submitted by anyone as long as the video includes a reading from a banned or challenged book. Alternatively, videos of up to three minutes can be submitted giving eyewitness accounts of local challenges. All videos will be featured on the dedicated Banned Books Week Virtual Read-Out YouTube channel. Any individual who would like to participate in the event can find instructions on the new Banned Books Week website under Virtual Read-Out.
Although most videos will be posted by individuals, libraries are encouraged to film their patrons and upload the videos as part of their Banned Books Week celebration. Instructions on how libraries can participate in the event can be found on the How your library can participate in the Banned Books Week Virtual Read-out! page.
The Banned Books Week Virtual Read-out also will feature YouTube videos of authors reading from their favorite banned/challenged book or talking about the importance of the freedom to read. If you are hosting a Read-Out in your library, you are welcome to integrate those videos into your event. A few of the author videos will be available on the new Banned Books Week website shortly after Labor day. Most will be featured during the week itself.
Link Banned Books Weeks.
Cynthia Hyatt & staff
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