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10 siti per scrittori un po’ esauriti


Sei un autore/autrice a corto d’idee? Hai bisogno di un aiuto? Vuoi sapere cosa fanno gli altri scrittori? Allora, prova a cercare in questi 10 siti, tra italiani e non.

  1. Penna blu
    Noto blog per scrittori, blogger e copywriter.
  2. Il mestiere di scrivere
    Interessante diario professionale di una editor, Luisa Carrada.
  3. Powells
    Sito per autori, lettori, critici, media e librai.
  4. Writer’s Dream
    Sito realizzato per aiutare gli aspiranti scrittori a scegliere il meglio per le loro opere e per permettere a editori collegati di avere a disposizione un canale diretto per interagire con la comunità di aspiranti scrittori italiani e scoprire nuovi talenti.
  5. Ready Steady Book
    Il sito letterario più importante della Gran Bretagna.
  6. McSweeneys
    McSweeney exists to champion ambitious and inspired new writing, and to challenge conventional expectations about where it’s found, how it looks, and who participates. We’re here to discover things we love, help them find their most resplendent form, and imagine new ways to bring them to you.
  7. Amazon book review 
    To read widely and independently with one goal in mind: Connecting fellow readers with books they will love. You may see additional changes as we continue our transition, but you can still keep up by signing up for our free daily newsletter to receive our latest author interviews, best books of the month, reviews, and more.
  8. The Literary Saloon
    The Literary Saloon is the literary weblog at the complete review. It offers opinionated commentary on literary matters, as well as news from and about the complete review, literary news, links, musings, and the occasional tirade.
  9. Three Percent
    Three Percent launched in the summer of 2007 with the lofty goal of becoming a destination for readers, editors, and translators interested in finding out about modern and contemporary international literature.
  10. TLS
    The leading international weekly for literary culture.


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